Support the ALDC
The Terawatt level is an annual sponsorship, offering attendance opportunities at both the Spring and the Fall conferences in a year.
A Terawatt sponsor is also the core sponsor of either the Spring or Fall conferences and receives the following:
Keynote speaking opportunity (on a relevant topic)
Integrated branding with conference Materials
Opportunity to distribute promotional items at select events
90-second video advertisement prior to a general session
Additional two registrations included (total of four)
Two advertisement slides prior to general sessions
First choice of table location in the Expo Area
Recognition on website and conference materials.
At the conference where the Terawatt sponsor is not the core sponsor, all benefits from the Gigawatt level are applied.
— $25,000 —
The Gigawatt level is an annual sponsorship with equal benefits at both the Spring and Fall conferences.
A Gigawatt sponsor receives the following:
Opportunity to distribute promotional items at select events
One advertisement slide prior to general sessions
90-second video advertisement prior to a general session
Two registrations included (per conference)
Recognition on website and conference materials
A table in the Expo Area
— $17,500 —
The Megawatt level is an annual sponsorship with equal benefits at both the Spring and Fall conferences.
A Megawatt sponsor receives the following:
One advertisement slide prior to general sessions
Two registrations included (per conference)
Recognition on website and conference materials
A table in the Expo Area
— $10,000 —
The Kilowatt level is a sponsorship of one conference and includes the following benefits:
Two registrations included
Recognition on website and conference materials
A table in the expo area
— $5,000 —
The Watt level sponsorship includes recognition on website and conference materials.
Conference registration is sold separately.
— $1,000 —
Additional Opportunities
Each conference is unique, and may have additional sponsorship opportunities. Please contact us about the following:
A/V and Internet Sponsor ($7,500)
Social Event Sponsor ($10,000)
Welcome Gift Sponsor ($7,500)
Expo Area Sponsor ($2,500)
Additional Attendees ($750)