Support the ALDC


The Terawatt level is an annual sponsorship, offering attendance opportunities at both the Spring and the Fall conferences in a year.

A Terawatt sponsor is also the core sponsor of either the Spring or Fall conferences and receives the following:

  • Keynote speaking opportunity (on a relevant topic)

  • Integrated branding with conference Materials

  • Opportunity to distribute promotional items at select events

  • 90-second video advertisement prior to a general session

  • Additional two registrations included (total of four)

  • Two advertisement slides prior to general sessions

  • First choice of table location in the Expo Area

  • Recognition on website and conference materials.

At the conference where the Terawatt sponsor is not the core sponsor, all benefits from the Gigawatt level are applied.

— $25,000 —


The Gigawatt level is an annual sponsorship with equal benefits at both the Spring and Fall conferences.

A Gigawatt sponsor receives the following:

  • Opportunity to distribute promotional items at select events

  • One advertisement slide prior to general sessions

  • 90-second video advertisement prior to a general session

  • Two registrations included (per conference)

  • Recognition on website and conference materials

  • A table in the Expo Area

— $17,500 —


The Megawatt level is an annual sponsorship with equal benefits at both the Spring and Fall conferences.

A Megawatt sponsor receives the following:

  • One advertisement slide prior to general sessions

  • Two registrations included (per conference)

  • Recognition on website and conference materials

  • A table in the Expo Area

— $10,000 —


The Kilowatt level is a sponsorship of one conference and includes the following benefits:

  • Two registrations included

  • Recognition on website and conference materials

  • A table in the expo area

— $5,000 —


The Watt level sponsorship includes recognition on website and conference materials.

Conference registration is sold separately.

— $1,000 —

Additional Opportunities

Each conference is unique, and may have additional sponsorship opportunities. Please contact us about the following:

  • A/V and Internet Sponsor ($7,500)

  • Social Event Sponsor ($10,000)

  • Welcome Gift Sponsor ($7,500)

  • Expo Area Sponsor ($2,500)

  • Additional Attendees ($750)